Неэргодическая экономика

Авторский аналитический Интернет-журнал

Изучение широкого спектра проблем экономики

Trends in industry restructuring in relation to different forms of ownership and their effect on the rate of decline in industrial production are examined. The functioning of enterprises of different forms of ownership is subjected to a comparative analysis. The special attention is paid to differentiation of productivity of labor by type of ownership, as well as to the cycle «privatization–nationalization».
Leisure is examined in the context of the so–called Walras law which plays a major part in economics. The author attempts to elaborate and extend the definition of this law to provide a deeper insight into functional characteristics of capitalism and socialism. It is shown that the divide between the two systems runs through the market of leisure, which shapes the genuine cast of an economic system.
This follow–up on institutional change in Russia’s economy examines the development of state and nonstate sectors in the light of their scale and the effect of privatization on the efficiency of industrial production. Special attention is devoted to changes in subdivisions of industry and within the different property sectors. The author reveals the role of reflexive mechanisms in the destruction of the Russian public sector.
The author of this paper considers that there are economic laws that lead to the «self–rupture» of a socioeconomic system and create objective prerequisites for its downfall. Society, however, is capable of overcoming critical stages in its development. The author attempts to analyze the potential it has at its command for neutralizing the tendency toward economic self–destruction.
Trends in the work, size, and efficiency of economic units that are new to Russia are examined. Author is talking about such phenomena as small business, foreign companies and joint ventures in post–capitalist Russia. It is postulated that such a study can provide a basis for competent economic development forecasts and management decisions.
The pros and cons of commerce, government service, and academic science are weighed as the possible spheres of an economist’s professional activity. The realm of economic research is shown as unprofitable in our time, with specialist interest in economics waning and leading in the near future to far–reaching modernization of economic knowledge all around.
The article examines the salient features of labor out–migration in Russia. The author’s analysis has revealed new trends and problems in this sphere. In addition, the author examines the geographical, sectoral and professional structure of the foreign labor force in Russia. The analysis is based on the unique statistical data of the Ministry of Labour, Russian Federation.
Most countries specialize in either exporting or importing labor. Here, too, Russia is off the beaten path. It ships labor both in and out. This article examines the related problems and suggests how migrational streams may be optimized. The analysis is based on the unique statistical data of the Ministry of Labour, Russian Federation.
Название романа Михаила Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита» не является очевидным. Если с Маргаритой все более–менее понятно, то с мастером слишком много вопросов. Есть уже общепринятые версии названия культового романа, но их можно дополнить новыми соображениями и тезисами. Что же скрыто за образом мастера? Как связаны мастер и Иисус?
The article considers the phenomenon of inflation taxes as applied to corporations. It is shown how inflation can lead to stagnation and recession through the mechanism of formation of inflation taxes. A simple procedure is presented for estimating the length of a production and trade cycle with which the economy stays in conditions of nonzero growth and economic equilibrium is not disrupted. The need to introduce a system of differentiated taxation in conditions of high inflation is substantiated.
